Change Oil / Tune Up ...Check Hoses and Water Pump
Sterring Cables and Shifting Controls
Inspect and Maintenance ...Grease and Adjust
Lower Unit or OutDrive
Inspect and Maintenance ...Grease and Change Oil
Fully Charged ...Check Water Level and Wire Connections ...Clean Post
Bilge Fan
Inspect and Maintenance ...Grease
Bilge Pump
Clen Intake Filters ...Check Hoes, Wiring Connections and Fuses
Trim Tabs
Inspect and Maintenace ...Clean Oil / Bleed Air ...Check Hoses
Windshield Wipers
..."Test" ...In Operating Condition
Navigation Lights
..."Test" ...In Operating Condition
..."Test" ...In Operating Condition
Cabin Lights
..."Test" ...In Operating Condition
Electonic Equiptment
Wiring / Fuses

-Radios (Ship to Shore)

-G.P.S. / Loran


-Depth Finder

-Temperature Meter / Probes

..."Test" ...In Operating Condition
Canvas / Covers / Curtains
Inspect and Maintenance ...Clean
PFD's (Life Jackets), Flare Kits, Horn-Sound Device, "Throwable Ring"